I Have Endured Heaps Of Bitter Experience Because I Have Declared The Truth To The World – says Holy Apostolic Father

“As an Apostle, Chosen and Appointed by Lord Jesus Christ Himself, I have endured heaps of bitter experience because I have declared the Truth which Lord Jesus Christ has preached to the world. I have got used to these bitter unpalatable experiences over a period of more than 3 decades. I have also spent more […]

Blessed Virgin Mary Appears in Sri Lanka! – She specially request people to recite the Rosary

It is not a secret that the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, has time to time appeared in the world. At every occasion she has appeared, she has not failed to deliver a message, requesting people in the world, to recite the Rosary. Our Beloved Blessed Mother, who has appeared […]

A Youth presents a Chalice to Holy Apostolic Father for the Elevation of the New Year’s Eve Holy Mass

The “Apostolic Blessing” of an “Apostle” comes 2nd to a Blessing Directly Receiving from Lord Jesus Christ. An Apostle’s Intercession, before Lord Jesus Christ, on behalf of us, comes 2nd to Blessed Mother Mary’s Intercession, before Lord Jesus Christ, on behalf of us. Therefore, an “Apostle” is a “Noble Special Spiritual Leader”. When an Apostle, […]

“If you read a book or a newspaper by wearing a pair of spectacles of other people, you will see the letters in a twisted position” – says His Holiness The Apostolic Father Rohan Lalith Aponso

“34 years was completed in this year 2009, since Blessed Virgin Mary began to Appear in Katunayake in Sri Lanka. On 5th February 1975 Blessed Mother Appeared before me for the 1st time. So far, She has Appeared before me for 23 occasions. These Appearances of Blessed Mother are not yet completed. She has promised […]

General Audience of Holy Apostolic Father (2 April 2011)

The General Audience of Holy Apostolic Father was held in the Apparition Church in the evening of 2nd April 2011. The Most Holy Apostolic Father His Holiness Rohan Lalith Aponso, who was seated in the Apparition Church in a close proximity to the spot where Lord Jesus Christ appeared, blessed the devotees and the pilgrims.

The true information as to how Lord Jesus Christ received the cross and how He collapsed on this earth for the first time, has been revealed to the world!

I was surprised when I read the details which are mentioned in the Holy Bible pertaining to the last few hours of the life of Lord Jesus Christ. Even though all 4 Evangelists have written about the Passion of Lord Jesus Christ, all what is written have been mentioned by them briefly. Most probably, it […]

True Words, Which Lord Jesus Christ Himself Has Preached Are Being Crucified Daily Until An Era Dawns Where Pilates’ Will Not Be Born – says His Holiness The Apostolic Father Rohan Lalith Aponso

The Most Holy Apostolic Father explains the meaning of the 4 letters INRI, fixed on top of the Cross of Lord Jesus Christ! Even though Christians and non Christians have seen several Pictures and Statues of Crucified Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Apostolic Father, His Holiness Rohan Lalith Aponso, enlightened people about a matter […]