“There are human beings who only live in this world to do good things to the entire human race. They will not become a nuisance to the society. They will offer a helping hand to anyone who needs a help but sometimes, the society considers them as a nuisance. The powerful example for this is […]
The revenge that human beings who were then living in this world showed towards Jesus Christ increased rapidly until he was assassinated
We should see the glorious face of Christ through poverty-stricken and those who are neglected from the society
“When we oppress a human being who is neglected from the society, then, we are once again, oppressing Lord Jesus Christ and neglecting him from the society. We should see the glorious face of Christ through poverty-stricken and those who are neglected from the society. Human beings, who were then living in the world, oppressed […]
A Germ does not have ethnic, caste, or religious differences
“Every one of you will have to face troubles and sorrows without any differences. A Germ does not have ethnic, caste, or religious differences. When you get an ailment, you will not get the ailment according to ethnic, caste, party, or religious differences. Likewise, before you consult a Doctor, you will not check his ethnic, […]