Jasmine aroma emanates from the Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary, established at Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine – The Heavenly fragrance of Blessed Mother coiled the entire Shrine of Our Lady of Katunayake

Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine is Sri Lanka’s Only Shrine, where Most Blessed Virgin Mary made Her appearance in person. The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, made Her appearance in person, for twenty three times, in the Apparition Church of Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine. All these Apparitions took place in front of […]

The extraordinary Miraculous Spectacle performed by Most Blessed Virgin Mary for the 2nd time

The Apparition Church of Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine or the Heart of Most Blessed Virgin Mary’s Most Miraculous Ground, where She made Her apparition in person for Twenty Three Times, was built on a request of Most Blessed Mother Herself. The Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary carrying Baby Jesus in Her left hand, sculptured […]

Most Blessed Virgin Mary performs a powerful Miracle in Sri Lanka – The Apparition Church, where Most Blessed Virgin Mary made Her appearance in person, was overfilled with aroma of Jasmine!

The Apparition Church of Sri Lanka’s Most Miraculous Shrine of Our Lady of Katunayake, where Most Blessed Virgin Mary made Her appearance in person for twenty three times, was overfilled with aroma of Jasmine on yesterday the Saturday, 3rd October. This Most Miraculous happening took place as a result of commencement of emanating aroma of […]