Offering of Holy Rosary and the Miraculous Prayer Recital will commence tomorrow (5th February) at 5pm at the foot of the Miraculous Statue of Blessed Mother

Most Blessed Virgin Mary, who has appeared in various places in the world, made Her appearance in person 47 years ago for the 1st time in Sri Lanka at Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine on 5th February 1975. From there onwards, She has so far made Her appearance in person for Twenty Three Times. His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, who was blessed to receive the rare fortune to see the Blessed Mother in person, lives in this Shrine even today.

His Holiness The Apostle, who is now 65 years old, is mostly spending an inner life. His Holiness mediates in front of Blessed Mother on behalf of devotees who are drawn to Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine from four quarters of the country. Therefore, this Shrine is well and widely known as the” Most Miraculous Shrine of the Blessed Mother”.

Offering of Holy Rosary and the Miraculous Prayer Recital in front of the Miraculous Statue of Blessed Virgin Mother Mary will take place at 5pm tomorrow, the day the apparitions of Most Immaculate Virgin Mother Mary completes 47 years. Devotees will also receive the opportunity to insert their petitions into the Red Box.

These photos herein show the Miraculous Statue of Blessed Mother and a section of devotees taking part in the Miraculous Prayer Recital










His Holiness the Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, is an Apostle, who was Chosen and Appointed by Lord Jesus Christ by Appearing in this world. He was also fortunate to see Blessed Mother Mary to his own eyes for 23 occasions.


Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine,
20th Mile Post,
Katunayake, 11450.
Sri Lanka.


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