The Vespers Novena, presided over by the Holy Apostle, His Holiness Rohan Lalith Aponso, is conducted every 1st Saturday of the month at Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine. On Saturday 4th May 2013, the Vespers Novena was conducted in Sts. Peter and Paul garden of Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine.
On that day, a vast gathering of devotees arrived at Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine from various places to participate in this evening Vespers Novena. This Vespers Novena is held for the Glory & Honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Our Lady of Katunayake.
Addressing the devotees who were participating in this Vespers Novena, the Holy Apostle, His Holiness Rohan Lalith Aponso, delivered his Homily by reflecting the following.
“When Lord Jesus Christ was living in this world, he has clearly mentioned the following. “Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest” (Matthew 11: 28 – 29) as his followers, Lord Jesus Christ is giving us a promise. He says I will give you rest. All those who are tired from carrying a heavy load that means all those who are frustrated will find rest in Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, they will find rest in Lord Jesus Christ. He has also mentioned the remedy we have to do to find his solace. He says to learn from him. Therefore, the word of Christ is the Living Air of all Christians. The word of Christ is our oxygen. We should find the word of Lord Jesus Christ. Finding the words that Lord Jesus Christ has preached means to know those words, correctly, and to spend the journey of life accordingly.”
The Holy Apostle, who introduced the word of Lord Jesus Christ as the Living Air of Christians, further reflected that Blessed Mother Mary is linking this living air, the word of Christ to us.
“Blessed Virgin Mary is linking this Living Air, the word of Christ to us. Do you remember the words that Blessed Mother Mary has spoken to the servants at the wedding house in the city of Cana? “Do whatever he tells you” (John 2:5) accordingly, they fulfilled her request and on that day they received solace for their frustration. “Do whatever Christ tells. Then, to do whatever he tells, we should know everything what Christ has told.”
The Shrine of Our Lady of Katunayake means a Shrine, where the Blessed Virgin Mary has appeared in person. Even though there are sacred places in the world where the Blessed Virgin Mary has appeared in person, the Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine is the first ever Shrine in Sri Lanka, where the Blessed Virgin Mary has appeared in person. Not only that , the Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine in Sri Lanka, is the Only Shrine in Sri Lanka, where the Blessed Virgin Mary has appeared in person.
The Vespers Novena is held every 1st Saturday of the month. The Holy Apostle, His Holiness Rohan Lalith Aponso, who delivered his Homily at this Vespers Novena which was conducted in the evening of 1st Saturday of the month of May 2013, further reflected the following.
“Today, the Doctrine of Lord Jesus Christ has a history of 2000 years. Yet, by now, the Doctrine of Christ has become an institute of certain racketeers. The Doctrine of Christ has become a company of certain racketeers. Therefore, due to this reason, the word of God is getting obstructed and is not reaching human beings. Therefore, today, all Christians are suffering. All Christians are in a state of frustration. Christians are suffering from an illness. Christians are suffering from the illness of frustration. If we search and find the word of God, then, My Dear Children, we will not go wrong. Lord Jesus Christ says what we have to do to receive his solace. “Learn from me”, that means learn from Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is our supreme teacher. Not anybody else. You have to clearly understand what this supreme teacher has taught. Lord Jesus Christ has once again, sent Blessed Virgin Mary to the world to fill that void.”
Holy Apostle, His Holiness Rohan Lalith Aponso, the Apostle, who was chosen by Lord Jesus Christ and who is presently living in this world, further reflected the following.
“If Lord Jesus Christ has all the way come to the world and decided to choose an Apostle, then, how great is that decision? He would have taken that decision after seen a responsible situation. Lord Jesus Christ could clearly see that his Doctrine is getting obstructed and is not reaching human beings. People are breathing their last breath because they do not know the Doctrine of Lord Jesus Christ, correctly. I will give you a helping hand to learn that Doctrine. I want all Christians to know the Doctrine of Christ, correctly. Then, after that, you could spend your journey of life according to that Doctrine. It is not that difficult. If you feel it difficult, that means you have not understood the Doctrine of Lord Jesus Christ, correctly”
Concluding his Homily the Holy Apostle reflected the following.
“Word of Christ is the Living Air of all Christians”