It is a great blessing and a great strength that His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, who had the opportunity to see The Blessed Mary Mother in person on twenty three occasions in Sri Lanka, is living amongst us, even today. We have been fortunate to have many avenues to receive God’s graces through His Holiness the Apostle, as especially He had the blessing to see The Jesus Christ through His own eyes, and Jesus Christ with His own blessed hands had consecrated Him to the Most Sacred Apostleship. The second Holy Apostle of the world appointed by Jesus Christ Himself by appearing in this world is His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso.
His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso who had the great opportunity and blessing to see with His own eyes, meet and talk to Blessed Virgin Mary appearing to Him, in this world twenty three times, has written a Prayer to be recited expecting solace from Mother Mary. This Prayer has been stipulated a certain time, a certain date and a certain place, for it to be recited. Although many a prayer has been written for Mother Mary, this is the only Prayer in the world which has been stipulated a time, date and a place for recitation. By reciting this Prayer according to the set stipulations, the God’s graces obtained by people are many. The God’s graces obtained by people are so much that this special Prayer has come to be known amongst the people as the “Miraculous Prayer recited for Mother Mary”.
The date stipulated for the recitation of this ‘Miraculous Prayer for Mother Mary”, is any Saturday. The time stipulated for this recite is at 6 pm. Place where the prayer should be recited is at Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine, in Sri Lanka, where Blessed Mother Appeared in person. After recitation of the Miraculous Prayer to our Blessed Mother Mary, one should write down his or her ‘wishes’ in short and place it inside the Red Box installed for this purpose at Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine. If any changes are to be made for these stipulations, only His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso has the power and He only could do the changes. Specialty of this is that His Holiness also could do the changes only with the permission of the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary. This fact may be a surprise to you. If these are the facts that are pertaining to this prayer, then, you don’t have to be surprised at the wonderful results it yields, if this Prayer is recited properly as per stipulated procedure of the Recite, It is not a great surprise that such a Prayer has become popular amongst people as a ‘Miraculous Prayer’. As the unlimited God’s Graces received by people who recite this ‘Miraculous Prayer’ are so abundant that a designated officer has been appointed to record such miracles taking place and you should not be surprised for appointing such an officer to record these miraculous events.
People who assemble every Saturday at 6pm, at Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine, to participate in the Miraculous Prayer, standing on the ground of Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine, having a strong faith that Blessed Virgin Mary also had appeared at this Sacred Shrine for twenty three times, standing on one hundred and twenty three yellow roses and also having a great faith and a great hope on the Blessed Mother Mary. These images show A section of Devotees of all religions and races in unity, who participated in the Miraculous Prayer on 2018 January 6th Saturday evening, in Holy Apostles Peter & Paul garden of Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine, holding the letters written with their expectations to our Blessed Mother Mary, and participating in the Miraculous Prayer together with His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso