Covid-19 is a dreadful virus that is spreading these days. The entire earth has become terrified. Our Spiritual Teacher, His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso had revealed about this tragedy on 21st November 2012. A clear description of that revelation was published in page 4 of December 2012 edition of “Endera” Sinhala language newspaper.
This revelation of His Holiness The Apostle was also published in the “Mariya Handa” website which can be referred by visiting this link.
Its English translation is as follows:
English translation of News linked to this, published in page 4 of December 2012 edition of “Endera” Sinhala language newspaper
Destruction of the world or three days of darkeness will not take place in this December
His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso asserts empathetically
“Destruction of the world or three days of special Darkeness will not take place in this December. Darkeness will fall as usual at the sunset”. His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso revealed this on Wednesday 21st November to His German friend who came from Germany to meet Him.
His Holiness The Apostle further commented on today’s terrific topic which is spreading not only in Sri Lanka, but in the whole world as well, in relation to the destruction of the world in December and three days of special darkness said to be prevailing from 21st December onwards. “Jesus Christ has said, some day this world will be destroyed. It is mentioned in the Holy Bible. The Bible has also foretold that the sun would be darkened at the time of destruction of the world. It is also mentioned that the ‘Sign of the Son of Man’ will appear in the sky. Such things will happen at the destruction of the world. But that destruction of the world is not in this December 2012. Destruction of the world will not take place even in 3000 A.D”.
Speaking at this cordial meeting, held in the Apostolic Residence of Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine, His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso further reflected the following.
At the same time, without having any more questions, His Holiness The Apostle at that moment itself, made the following revelation. “Even if the destruction of the world will not take place, yet, the world will face many difficulties in the future. There will be various kinds of diseases. There are many diseases already. People have named them. For example, there are various diseases named by the people, such as dengue, tetanus, and malaria. New diseases which are not named yet, but to be named newly, will spread across the globe. Disasters that come from the sky and the earth will cause deaths, not just one or two, but in groups. People do not listen even if they are taught why this is happening. How many things can be taught if people are willing to listen? Did they listened when Jesus Christ preached walking around the world? No, How to listen? He was not allowed even to preach. He was chased out of this world. That means He was assasinated. So, I do not know what they will tell about me?”
His Holiness The Apostle had to speak about this tragedy as a substory of another story. A German friend of His Holiness The Apostle visited Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine on Wednesday evening, 21st November 2012 to meet Him. At that time, there were many conversations around the world that, from 21st December 2012 onwards, Darkeness will exist in the entire world for three days and during that month of December, Destruction of the world will take place. There were reports in this regard in the internet too. This has been a major topic in foreign countries too. This was also a major puzzle for this German friend, who came from Germany, who is a scholar, interested in astronautics and in alien lives and also doing various researches in astronautics and about alien lives. From time to time, he visits Sri Lanka to have discussions with His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso on such matters. I had the opportunity to take part in all those discussions.
It was during a similar discussion that His German friend asked His Holiness The Apostle whether the current worldwide rumor which is spreading that the world would come to an end in December subsequent to three days of darkness starting from 21st December 2012, is true.
Begining to answer the question, His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso said that, as He said before, He did not neither come to this world to tell the world how the darkness comes into the world, nor to tell about the end of the world, but to serene everyone’s mind by making the human heart virtuous, and to show them how to conclude this life journey without fear of not only to such things but to the death as well.
Speaking further at the occasion, His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso said, ‘As this question was raised at the beginning of the discussion, I will answer briefly. “Destruction of the world or three days of special Darkeness will not take place in this December. Darkeness will fall as usual at the sunset”.
At the same time, without having any more questions, His Holiness The Apostle at that moment itself, made the following revelation. “Even if the destruction of the world will not take place, yet, the world will face many difficulties in the future. There will be various kinds of diseases. There are many diseases already. People have named them. For example, there are various diseases named by the people, such as dengue, tetanus, and malaria. New diseases which are not named yet, but to be named newly, will spread across the globe. Disasters that come from the sky and the earth will cause deaths, not just one or two, but in groups. People do not listen even if they are taught why this is happening. How many things can be taught if people are willing to listen? Did they listen when Jesus Christ preached walking around the world? No, How to listen? He was not allowed even to preach. He was chased out of this world. That means He was assasinated. So, I do not know what they will tell about me?”
By this moment, all of us living in this world are facing a severe catastrophe. As His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso then revealed in the evening of 21st November 2012, a new Disease has been spread throughout the world. In fact, as He said at the time, this Disease has become a disease to be named newly. Therefore, this unnamed Disease has been named by human as, ‘Covid-19’. As a result of this Disease, the whole world will have to face many hardships in the future. People who are living in the world are dying, not just one or two, but in groups.
Further, we all need to think deeply about what His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso said to His German friend in the evening of 21st November 2012. He said, “People do not listen even if they are taught why this is happening. How many things can be taught if they are willing to listen? Did they listen when Jesus Christ preached walking around the world? No, How to listen? He was not allowed even to preach. He was chased out of this world. That means He was assasinated. So, I do not know what they will tell about me?”
Today, the whole world is questioning about God. People laugh today, saying how these things happen if God is truly existing. People say, “God fails”. That means, God is incapable. People also say, “There is no God”, That means, God is not exsisiting.
Yes! God has sent a Man to the world. That Man says, “People do not listen even if they are taught why this is happening. How many things can be taught if they are willing to listen?” That Man is, His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, who was born into this world today. He has taught us many things. He has taught us many things at monthly meetings. He has taught us many things through hour-long Homilies. At the end of each Homily, His Holiness The Apostle taught many things for another hour or two. Anyone could have come and participated in these Teachings. So, people who were willing to listen took part in His Teachings and learned many things.
In the Teachings of His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, there were extensive analysis about “God and Nature”, which has become a topic for people, who are living today. He preached, not the Religion, but the Doctrine. Therefore, we all, including me, who listened to Him, recall His words at this calamitous time. We recall at this calamitous time, how Holy Apostle explained, not only the dangers of living, in between Life and Death, but the Life after Death as well, and how we have to face repurcussion for the sins we have committed, and sometimes, how we have to face the repurcussion in groups, for the sins we have committed.
The Teachings of His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso are His own understanding. In His Teachings He preaches, not the Religion, but the Doctrine. The Doctrine which is common for everyone. Today, it has become the truth. Particularly, Roman Catholics were barred from taking part in His Teachings by Roman Catholic priests. They propagated total falsehood about Him. Today, Their God is being challenged.
The late Abhidhaja Maha Rattaguru, Aggamaha Panditha Most Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maithriya Mahanayaka Thero is a Buddhist prelate, who properly recognized and understood His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso. This Most Venerable Mahanayaka Thero is unquestionably a leader of Buddhism not only in Sri Lanka, but also in the world. He is a spiritual leader, who has rendered His services as a primary leader of Buddhism. Having a multitude knowledge base, He has written number of books in Sinhala, English and in many other languages. It is mentioned in the book of stories related to the Mahanayaka Thero, who preached Buddhism to the people of England through the television media, was once introduced to the world by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) with the following introduction. “If a person is selected by His character and wisdom, Here is the right one”. The Most Venerable Mahanayaka Thero had a special power to recognize the inner spirituality and the strength of Dhamma of a person at the first glance. One day He saw His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, and immediately recognized Him as a noble teacher born into the world with a spiritual power. From that first meeting onwards, the friendship between Most Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maithriya Thero and His Holiness the Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, remained intact until the demise of the Mahanayaka Thero. There is much to be said about it. Mahanayaka Thero had written many things about His Holiness The Apostle. I have included a few of them and published a book titled, “Thoughts of Balangoda Ananda Maithriya Mahanayaka Thero about Holy Apostolic Father”, because the importance to the society of such messages and, the importance of the Teachings of a spiritual leader such as His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso to the human beings during their, this journey of life since His Holiness The Apostle was introduced to the world by a philosopher such as the Most Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maithriya Mahanayaka Thero.
A note written by the Most Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maithriya Mahanayake Thero on 8th February 1994 in his own hand writing, is as follows.
This is a very important note that I have included in my book, This note, hand-written by the Most Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maithriya Mahanayaka Thero, who had a noble knowledge in Dhamma. This venerable prelate has done many researches on Life after Death and about the World, which is Invisible to us. His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso is also a noble person who has a multitude knowledge base and a precious understanable wisdom about Life after Death and about the world, which is Invisible to us. Ordinary human beings like us cannot even imagine the level of discussions between such a noble person and the Most Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maithriya Mahanayaka Thero in relation to the visits to the Higher Realms by His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso. The Most Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maithriya Mahanayaka Thero was also proficient on this subject.
For certain reason I have included a note on, visiting Higher Divine Realms by His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, mentioned in the writings by the Most Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maithri Mahanayaka Thero. Namely,
I began this article to describe how His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso explained to a German friend who came to see Him on 21st November 2012 about the catastrophe that is currently taking place in the world. I also mentioned he was a German scholar, interesting in astronautics and in alien lives, and doing many researches on it. He comes to Sri Lanka about twice a year to hold discussions with His Holiness The Apostle. I have included the description of His Holiness The Apostle’s visits to Higher Divine Realms in this article for you to think to your own self, How much information this German, who was exploring the other planets and alien lives would have received and obtained from a Spiritual Leader, such as His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, who visits Higher Divine Realms and given important descriptions, even to the Most Venerable Balangoda Mahanayaka Thero.
Although His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso revealed about this tragedy on 21st November 2012, in most of His Homilies which He reflected in last year (2019), He often said, we should maintain our body in a way that it can endure diseases. Those who are fortunate, who came to listen to His Teachings will remember how many instructions He gave where health is concern during a separate period called ‘Health Lesson’. His Holiness The Apostle was always talking about maintaining the immune system of the body. He further said there could be a necessisty in the near future, and therefore, eating from various restaurants should be avoided because they add artificial falvourings that kill the immunity, which is vital in the body of human beings, and to use natural falvourings such as tempering leaves, curry leaves, coriander, and turmeric when cooking at homes, He appealed.
I remember, another day, His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso made all us laugh and said that at homes there are two places where the germs are produced most, the kitchen and the toilet are the two places that are unhealthiest. Explaining how these two places become unhealthy, He said the reason for this is the negligence and laziness of the householders. He further explained that the sink in the toilet is a key tool for spreading germs. Everybody in the house washes their face, and hands from the sink, and sometimes even a visitor uses it, but cleaning it is rare in many homes, not every day. Once used, everyone in the house should wash it using a disinfectant before using by another, He said, explaining how to do it easily with a small sponge. I personally know many who listened to it began to do so from there onwards. Now I feel, His Holiness The Apostle prepared people for this present catastrophic situation in advance. Many who listened to Him, now talk about the health advises which He was giving since last year.
Another day, His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso explained about mobile phones.” If you are traveling or if you are not driving a vehicle, do not travel by looking at the mobile phone and pressing it, instead look at the beauty of the Nature, such as the sky, the clouds, the surrounding trees, the sun and the rain, He said. There is much we can learn from the Nature. The first step in protecting the environment that protects us, is to observe the environment, if we do not protect the environment, we cannot prevent the repurcussion of the Nature reaching us, and that repurcussion may not be far away”, He said. On that day, His Holiness The Apostle further spoke about mobile phones. He said today’s mobile phone which is in length up to the mouth is a device which is storing germs and He described it as a device, which is spreading infectious diseases than a small cell phone that existed a long time ago. He explained that we should keep a small cell phone for our day to day use and, if necessary, a mobile phone which is in length up to the mouth can be kept for personal use. If you ask someone else’s cell phone to use it for a moment, it is similar as if asking the handkerchief he used for sneezing and then returning it to him after we use it for our sneezing also. He explained this while giving many more examples. His Holiness The Apostle, who urged us to quickly implement such good habits where health is concern, said, if we did not do so, we would soon recall His Health Lesson. To my memory, He taught this in the evening of 27th October 2019.
At the beginning of year 2019, His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, who taught us the value of tea, explained the immunity value of tea grown in Sri Lanka. He explained this in the evening of 24th February 2019. He asked at least to use two cups of hot tea daily without any sugar, and instead of buying low quality tea dust, to buy good quality tea leaves without being stingy, disregarding the price though it is somewhat high, since it is a good investment in keeping up the good health. From that day onwards, once a month, five devotees, who were chosen by a raffle from the attendees of His Teachings, were given five parcels of high quality tea and this practice is still continuing. When the value of drinking tea was highlighted during this tragedy, we all remembered our Holy Apostle’s Health Lesson.
There is much to be written and said about His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso. What’s more, there is much to think of Him, about the things that He has foretold, during this catastrophic outbreak of the deadly virus named Covid-19. We who listened to him are not surprised about Him when we recollect what He foretold. It is because many of us, who are fortunate, have apparantly understood that His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, is a Spiritual Leader, who was born into this entire universe.
Although The Spiritual Teacher, His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, was sent to this earth by the Law of the Universe, and by the Nature, with infinite kindness, to guide mankind, was properly identified and introduced to the world through a note hand-written by the late Abhidaja Maha Rattaguru, Aggamaha Panditha the Most Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thero, a noble person with a spiritual wisdom, yet, it is now evident how the people, who does not have merits, are running towards the destruction like a deer chasing after the mirage. I think this catastrophic time is a testing time for the people who are deceived by their stupidness and being arrogant, to think lonely, seperating from everything. To achieve a Pass status or Fail status, will depend on the right thinking of the human being.
His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso is a Spiritual Leader and not a religious leader. The world receives a Spiritual Leader for the guidance of spiritual liberation by explaining the difference between merit and sin, virtue and evil, and good and bad. Such a spiritual leader guides the man, and does not drag the man by the hand, towards the spiritual liberation. A Spiritual Leader only preaches the Doctrine, not the religion and shows the virtuous path for this world and for the place where we go after our death. Human being has the responsibility to avail this opportunity.
Speaking for a minute with His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso is like being at a school for an hour. Five minutes of talk is like five hours at school. Things that we should learn during our life time, yet, many things that we do not know, could learn from Him. That opportunity is for the people who are fortunate and bearing open hearts. When listening to the Teachings and Homilies of His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, we hear that, in this Universe and in this Nature, there is much, which the parents have never learned and which cannot be ever taught to the children, yet,the children should be taught, and the parents must learn as well.
Manoj Chinthaka,
Apostolic Media Director
04th April 2020