Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine is a Most Sacred Shrine in Sri Lanka where rituals in honour of Blessed Virgin Mother Mary are conducted reverently, with a strong faith in Her. This Most Sacred Shrine receives constant vigil and blessings of Blessed Mother Mary continuously. Most Blessed Mother Mary has appeared live, 23 times so far in this Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine, Hence His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, who lives in this Shrine even today, has written Himself, the Miraculous Prayer to Mother Mary, which is well and widely known amongst the people irrespective of their religious beliefs.
His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, is the second Holy Apostle who has been appointed by Jesus Christ by appearing live to this world. Certainly, the reason why people with devotion are queuing behind His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, expecting help from Mother Mary, is possibly due to His Holiness personal live meetings with Blessed Mother Mary 23 times at this Shrine and He had also shared discussions with Her, and understood Blessed Mother’s feelings and love towards people who follow Her with faithful devotion. The Queen of All Holy Apostles is none other than Blessed Virgin Mother Mary. It is a blessed situation for His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, to be the mediator between Mother Mary and Her faithful devotees.
As on all Saturdays, on Saturday the 3rd of February 2018 also, devotees from all corners of Sri Lanka gathered at Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine, Apparition Ground, to take part in the Miraculous Prayer Recite. On this evening, a good number of Devotees did get an opportunity to enter Holy Apostles Peter & Paul garden where Miraculous Prayer recite was offered.
At 6 pm on this Saturday, His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, together with Shrine Officials, walked calmly and entered Holy Apostles Peter & Paul Garden. Devotees got the opportunity to Recite Miraculous Prayer written by His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, together with the Holy Apostle on this occasion. Not only that, devotees were fortunate to receive Apostolic Blessing from the Sacred Hand of His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso, who has written this Miraculous Prayer which has won the Heart of Mother Mary and as well as taking place of many miracles by reciting it.
His Holiness The Apostle Rohan Lalith Aponso conducted the Miraculous Prayer recite on 3rd Saturday, February 2018, in the evening, at Our Lady of Katunayake’s Shrine. These images show various segments of the Miraculous Prayer recite, conducted in Holy Apostles Peter & Paul Garden